Tuesday, August 7, 2007


As I was going to take pictures of some jewelry the other day, my little guy in his Superman uniform hopped in front of the camera and started saying "Picture-uh-me! Picture-uh-me!" And of course, anytime one of my kids willingly stands still in front of the camera, I could never, ever, resist!

It's been awhile since I've listed just jewelry! I've been so busy concentrating on clothes. But when Christine of GenMarie asked me to match her adorable panda set I was more than happy to whip something up!

Click here for bracelet auction
Click here for bows


My Trendy Tykes said...

He is so darn cute!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Okay, not only are your clothes, jewels and bows cute- your kids a SUPER CUTE!!! Absolutely adorable! Glad I found your blog!

princess*picasso said...

Thanks Linda and Jessica!! :)


Steffi said...

What for cute pictures and your little boy looks so cute in his new Superman shirt!
Very nice blog!

sunshine*kisses said...

How adorable is he:) Watch out mom when he gets older;)


~amber~ said...

Amie...he is so cute! I bet he has quite the personality too...he looks so serious. :)